Cannot start microsoft outlook windows 10
Cannot start microsoft outlook windows 10

To resolve this malfunction, you simply need to reset the settings for your profile navigation pane. Having considered these, how then do we resolve the 'Cannot Start Microsoft Outlook Invalid XML' Error? Part 2: Fix Outlook error invalid XML with command If it is, then the settings file has been corrupted hence, is the sole reason for the malfunction. To confirm that this occurrence is sorely caused by the damage of Outlooks navigation pane and that this is the only issue, check whether the XML file size is zero. Irrefutably, the major cause why Outlook fails to start up successfully is that the XML file consisting of settings applied on Outlook's navigation pane is either damaged or corrupted leading to an error message stating that 'Outlook cannot be started due to an invalid XML file'. If your Operating System is Windows XP, you can locate the default file path navigating from Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Outlook while if your Operating System is Windows Vista or Windows XP, you can locate the default file path from User\Username\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook Now this "place" can be located at a default path which entirely depends on the Windows Operating System version you are running on. Noteworthy is the fact that the settings and arrangements that you have made here previously are undoubtedly stored at someplace.

cannot start microsoft outlook windows 10

When Outlook starts up, a Navigation Pane can be seen on the left side that displays the following active profile, the top folder, the list of folders in it, along with the other items such as Calendar, Contacts, Notes, etc. Usually, when Outlook fails to start up and shows the XML file as invalid, it is attributed to the XML file for the Navigation Pane Settings having some problems.

cannot start microsoft outlook windows 10

Part 1: The Major Reason for The 'Invalid XML File' Error

  • 03 Effectively Resolving the Invalid XML in Outlook by using Stellar Outlook Repair.
  • 02 Fix Outlook error invalid XML with command.
  • cannot start microsoft outlook windows 10

  • 01 The Major Reason for The 'Invalid XML File' Error.

  • Cannot start microsoft outlook windows 10