In this way, you can mass equip enough items to collectively give you near-infinite magicka or magicka regeneration. You will be permitted to equip as many items as you want. Ask your companion to trade, and from the resulting trade screen, select to equip the items you wish to mass-equip. If done quickly, you should turn into the werewolf or vampire, while also opening dialogue with your companion. Activate the werewolf or vampire form, and immediately talk to the companion. This requires having a companion that will be friendly to you in this form. Mass-Equipīy taking advantage of a friendly companion, you can mass-equip items while in werewolf or vampire form. In these cases, I can not find any evidence of the exploits being easy to replicate. While most of these glitches require deliberate exploitation, I have found reports of users running into the same glitch you appear to have experienced that is, unlimited magicka seemingly out of nowhere. I have yet to confirm if the glitches are still in the game, however so some (or all) of them may have been patched out. I've been able to find a few glitches that can result in near-unlimited magicka and/or magicka regeneration.